Sunday, November 4, 2007

Back from Blogging Hiatus

So do you know what hiatus means? I didn't until I moved to Florida and started living near a road called Hiatus. Then at some point I was told that the road was called Hiatus because it was supposed to be the last road before the Everglades. It was the end of the development. Well, I live west of Hiatus so the road was not the end of development it was just an interruption in the development. So, the road is aptly named.

I was thinking about this because I got tagged for excellence by Heaven Above at Wildlife Alive and I was really touched by her concern for the animals who have lost their habitat to the humans. Much of South Florida sits on what used to be the Everglades so occasionally there are some incidents with wildlife. Some of the wildlife has adapted fairly well to us humans but others are just too threatening to the average human. Just like the bears that Heaven Above writes about the alligators here sometimes get a bad reputation. In the end, they are just trying to survive.

So, Heaven Above tagged my post Another Day in Paradise for excellence because it made her laugh. I'm so glad for that. On some of the really tough days at my previous employer, I would tell my friends that I have to laugh because otherwise I'd cry. Ever felt that way?

Now time for me to tag someone else for excellence.

I have to tag Zhu at Correr Es Mi Destino for her excellent post Losing my Religion. I am a religious person and I just loved the respectful debate that this post created.

The only thing is; I was so hooked on reading this post and all the comments that I ran out of time to find other bloggers to tag. I would suggest that you check out any of the blogs in the list "My Favorite Blogs".

I do hope that I'll be able to get back to blogging regularly. I have so many ideas for posts, I just wish I had time for them all.


Anonymous said...

Thanks ! Sorry I stole you form other Bloggers...

I had a lot of fun writing for this a couple of months ago, and I was extremely pleasantly surprised with the comments. So many wonderful people debated, all respectful of each others' belief... to be honest, I was really a spectator myself at the end.

One of these great blogging moment !

I'm still not sure of the meaning of hiatus BTW... and it's the same word in French ! :D

Angel of Delusion said...

Zhu: Not to worry. It was well worth my time. I really enjoyed reading the post.

The meaning of Hiatus (with out trying to be creative like I was in my post) is:

1. a break or interruption in the continuity of a work, series, action, etc.
2. a missing part; gap or lacuna: Scholars attempted to account for the hiatus in the medieval manuscript.
3. any gap or opening.

This definition was borrowed from So, if it is the same word in French then I would guess that the English borrowed the word from the French. The English did have a habit of borrowing words from other languages particularly ones that had a nice ring to them. ;o)