Friday, May 29, 2009

The Latest on the Baby Front

Yes, I had an appointment today but we didn't get to hear the baby's heartbeat. I have this big ol' fibroid on my uterous that prevents us from hearing the heartbeat. We did get to see the baby once again on the ultrasound and this time it actually looks like a baby, about the size of a grape. On the ultrasound we could see the heart beating and the baby even moved while we were watching.

It's starting to seem more real now and I guess we'll have to start telling people because the other side effect of this fibroid is that I look about 5 months pregnant even though I'm only 2 months pregnant.


Anonymous said...

These are great news! :)

Telling people or not telling is a very personal choice... I know my friend waited for the second semester.

Angel of Delusion said...

I actually would like to wait to tell people a bit longer but my belly bulge is giving me away.