Tuesday, May 5, 2009

We have a heartbeat and ...

Morning sickness (all day)! So, I'm feeling a little less worried and more hopeful. We only saw the heartbeat because the ultrasound was so early. The baby is nothing more than a fuzzy shape on the screen and the heartbeat is a blinking light in the middle of the fuzzy shape.

The morning sickness is annoyingly miserable so I have mixed feelings about it. I'm glad to have the symptoms that confirm I'm pregnant but I'm also not enjoying it at all.

The highest risk doesn't pass until the 10th to 12th week when we can hear the heartbeat through the doppler. Another month to go. The time seems to be going by so slowly!! A few months ago time felt like it was rushing by. Isn't it funny how our perspective changes.


Anonymous said...

It's a great news!

I keep my fingers crossed, for a strong and healthy baby Angela May.

Not so cool for the morning sickness though... but I think all future mothers go through that!

Angel of Delusion said...

Thank you for the good wishes.

Morning sickness is perfectly normal. I'm just a real baby when it comes to feeling nauseous.