Wednesday, December 26, 2012


It's after midnight and I'm sitting here thinking about whether or not I should attempt to blog again. Honestly, I think I am really delusional to think that I can keep up with it. I am a fan of Feminist Mormon Housewives but I rarely get a chance to read their posts. Each time I do, I think "Wow, these women have time to take care of their houses, their children and do thoughtful research and write about it on a blog" I want to be able to research the topics that interest me and write about them, get feedback from the world at large and have intelligent discussions.

Instead, I occasionally get into an argument on Facebook with a friend or family member and I'm always the one to back off because I value the relationship more than winning the argument. Besides, I don't have the time that it would require to adequately back-up my view point and chances are the friend or family member wouldn't consider the logic and reason I put into my defense. They know what they know and there is no changing their mind. Sometimes, I'm a bit jealous of their confidence in their own view point. Perhaps if I were so sure of being right, I wouldn't feel the need to spend so much time researching my point of view to convince myself that I have it right.

So, this is my dilemma when considering whether or not I should be blogging. I can't just sit and write what ever comes to my mind. I need to figure it out and put it down in words that I have studied out to make sure they are exactly the right words. I really don't have time to do all that. At the same time, I think I need to do something because otherwise, I'll start to believe that I am insane to think that my Facebook friends and family are wrong and maybe I should just submit and go along. Either that or I'll continue having arguments and I'll get de-friended by everyone I know. Which in one sense wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing because Facebook is a terrible waste of time but I really do care about my friends and family and want to know how their lives are going and it seems Facebook is the only way to do that these days. No one calls any more just to chat ... they send a Facebook message.

I know that I'm rambling but there is a method. Sometimes to get started on doing something that one knows needs to be done, one should take a first step no matter how lame that first step is.

First step ... done.

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